Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Bio: Video + Optin = Success, Internet Marketer, http://TwitTalk.tv Twitter SEO & Business Positioning Expert, Life Coach,Trainer, Author,Google Marketing Secret

Mike Wesley has quite a presence on twitter. With over 30,000 followers and almost 15,000 tweets in just over a year, he's hard to miss. He has become something of a twitter expert (twexpert?), and can be seen flaunting his expertise on regular live http://TwitTalk.tv video conferences. He's also something of a marketer, and is currently promoting a project of his called VideOptin, among other things. As busy as he is, he has found the time to intweet, so let's see what he has to say...

Welcome to your intweet! The question of the night is, can you outdo Obama?

@Mike_Wesely: That can be tough, but if he stands still for too long, it could happen.

Not much chance of that happening! You've achieved a lot in your 1st year on twitter, haven't you?

Yes pretty proud of were I'm at :-)

That's what I really want to know tonight. Where ARE you at? What would you say you've achieved?

I have built some very strong relationships, and have also positioned myself in a good place

Positioned yourself for what?

Positioned as a go to person about Twitter and for many other things.

Yes, I was watching u on http://TwitTalk.tv 2nite. How long did it take to become a twexpert?

Well over a few months i just tried to help people with Twitter questions and then it just grew from there.

I see you're using that knowhow for coaching. How else does it benefit you?

again it mostly comes down building relationships with people,

...and once you've built that relationship, what then? This is the meaty bit, as far as I can tell.

well u build relationships, u attract to U, then any products or services people want to get from U because they like U.

It is really all just human characteristics, no different on Twitter than F2F. Most don't realize this simple thing

U see, that's the bit I've never really worked out. How successful have you been at this critical (selling) stage?

I have had successes, but I havent really even gotten to that stage yet, the more patient U are the more successful this is.

I also will say I was at Events the past 2 weeks and because of Twitter and my position, many ppl were coming 2 me for advice

I get the impression that marketing isn't new to u. What were you doing b4 u started on twitter?

I am a marketer that has a software company, and offering services like content mng. sys. , autoresponder, and shop cart

The last 2+ yrs have been developing social networking platforms

Ah, so u were already using the net. Tell me about these social networking platforms you're developing...

The biggest I am restricted to talk about, but http://SportsBunch.com is one of them, we also can plug to any niche

Mmmm, sport! What about VideOptin - that's another project of yours, right?

Yes, http://VideOptin.com is a service that works with ur autoresponder that combines video and the optin in the same player

Do you come up with these ideas, or is your job just to sell them?

I am the Idea guy for sure. always luv solving problems

I was going to ask u what is the next big social networking app, but I guess you can't tell me?

Well I will say that I feel Twitter is here to stay for a while, but the next will be very video intense i believe.

Is that a hint?

It Could be ;-)

What IS it that you think makes twitter so popular?

the 140 Chars. (short) and real time response - Great way to build relationships :-)

So do those 140 characters swallow up most of yr life, or are you a good time manager?

I am active indeed, but I am a great multi-tasker and doing other work at the same time

Would you still be using twitter if you weren't using it for marketing?

who knows what path I would be on if i were not a marketer, but, I will say Twitter has benefits for all > So I would hope so

You post a lot of quotes - do you have a fav?

#QUOTE: "Be Yourself, Nobody likes the other You anyway."

LOL, that's a good one! And finally, who inspires you on twitter?

That one and others i personally write, are special, but I post a lot of really special ones for sure.

All the really really cool followers i have. without them I am nobody.

A great way to finish! Well, thank you. It's been a pleasure getting to know the man behind the pointing fingers...

@Mike_Wesely: Thats funny, and I appreciate u taking the time to share what i Have to say :-) Good Luck to U and all ur readers :-)

Thank you.

Courtesy of intweets

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